Thursday, August 20, 2009

A rant about dating sites

Due to the nature of my overall social interactions (minimal), I've been trying some dating sites. There are a couple of recurring themes that I keep seeing, and they're starting to drive me insane. Firstly, though, before I get into my actual rant, I should preface this by saying that, as a Christian, I am looking for others that share in my faith. Unfortunately, this causes problems...

Basically, all of the problems stem from one thing. And it is simply this: The person talks about their relationship with Christ and NOT about themselves. This is a major problem. Congratuations on finding salvation! Really! I'm happy for you! Unfortunately, I don't know WHO you are, because you never bothered to mention that. Some of the ways that this manifests itself involve:

1. Top things the person is thankful for lists. A typical example goes something like this: God/Salvation/Christ, Family, Friends. Well, thanks. That's just about THE SINGLE MOST GENERIC THING YOU COULD HAVE POSSIBLY SAID. It tells me no more about who you are than the general info that you are a Christian.

2. Things the person is passionate about including nothing beyond something to the effect of "my faith." Thanks, that was assumed. I mean, it's good to know, but you ARE a PERSON, right? You do have INTERESTS? List some, then.

3. Other general categories that basically can be summarized up as, "Thanks for letting me know, but I'd generally assume that of Christians."

Seriously, this is a massive annoyance. I mostly assume these things. I don't know if these sorts of responses are a sign of a lack of thought into the actual questions that are being answered or not, but either way, it doesn't matter. The problem is simple. You are describing A Christian in general, and not you. That doesn't help me at all. Please, if you are reading this and you have a profile that reads horrendously generic, change it. Make it about you. Yes, Christ is vitally important, but He alone won't make someone interested in you.